All of our lives consist of a material and an immaterial part.


The material part can and should be a stable one.

The immaterial has a great influence on the material side and consists in my understanding of many different aspects:

  • emotions
  • communication
  • soul
  • relationship(s)
  • experiences
  • childhood and embryo experiences that have often slipped into the subconscious.
  • and certainly many more individual things


These two parts - material and immaterial - need to be clarified, explored and, at best, harmonized so that they work well together.


We tackle this together with the help of intuition, experience and daily order.


It is not so important where we come from, it is the next step that we courageously take that brings us forward. Confirmation through confidence.


I will gladly accompany you.


Proven for 20 years: authentic * honest * present.


The flyer is almost 20 years old, I still love it.